Welcome Guests!



Twitter is a very interesting site to share information and deliver message. According to my understanding about Twitter, it is like a micro blog because you can share whatever you want to say in message form, and each message only can contain 140 letters. It is easy use smart phone or computer to update your new message, and view your followers’ message at your twitter home page. You can communicate with your followers, and give opinions to your followers’ message. People can share videos, music, and pictures on your twitter and the other users can see new updating information from their home page, and give response immediately. It is good to upload your new message at anywhere and anytime.
There are few different things between Twitter and Blog.  You can write long articles on your blog post but you only can write the message which contains 140 letters. People write blog more like writing diary, and use 140 letters for twitter to express people’s current feeling. People usually write in front of their computer, and it is difficult to use smart phone or other technics.  If other people want to read your article from your blog, they have to go to your blog home page to read them. They view your information and your post without login their blog account. For Twitter, people can view their followers’ new updating and give response at their own home page, but if I do not login my twitter account, I cannot view the information shared by my followers.

My Twitter :http://twitter.com/#!/Zhengliangtodd

